dirigent V á c l a v P l á š i l Number of p1ayers: 27:/5,2,2,2,1, -strings, 2,1,2,1 -wooden wind-instruments, 2,2,2, -brass instruments, piano and 2 percussion instr. The orchestra disposes not only about a program of concerts, but also of a dance -listening -and chat program./ Dresses: ladies in temporary costumes, men in tails/. Type A: Program of the concert : IVA HOŠPESOVÁ / sopran/ for a better image of the stage-view it seems to be possible to include three pairs of the ballet Repertory: J.Strauss, Fr .Lehar, J.Rosas, J.Offenbach, J.Gade, .1.Dinicu, Ivanovici, E.Kálmán, R Friml, M.Jarre, O. Nedbal, J. Fučík, K. Múllecker, K. Svoboda -etc.
Type B: For dancing. listening and chatting" /without solists -singers -/ "PROGRAM OF THE CONCERT" It is possible to divide the orchestra into some parts, which, according to their various genre may be dispensed.
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